Membership & Giving


Make a donation today!

Benefits include our support group meetings, a subscription to our monthly Leading with Love updates,  bimonthly PFLAG Cleveland/Akron newsletters, social activities, and an annual membership to PFLAG National & Cleveland*

PFLAG Cleveland has teamed-up with Givebutter

the #1 fundraising platform for nonprofits

and now you can text your donation too! 

text: PFLAGCLE to: 53-555

PFLAG Cleveland & PFLAG National are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. 

Download a copy of our membership form here.  

Complete and mail the form with your check, payable to 

PFLAG Cleveland

P.O. Box 188 

Berea, OH 44017 


You can also support PFLAG Cleveland through trusts, planned giving, bequests and honorariums. You can also designate a gift to our college scholarship program. Gifts include membership.

Pay Pal 

*Memberships fees & your gifts and donations support PFLAG National and our Cleveland chapter activities, including: 
 Membership dues to PFLAG National $15 for each member 
Trinity Commons Facility fees
The Annual Kriete Community Award
The Dr. Jes Sellers PFLAG Cleveland Higher Education Scholarships
Community and Corporate Outreach Events 
and many other chapter activities.